Trieste is a city that embraces many cultures, thanks to its proximity to Slovenia, and which geographically touches the vastness of the sea and the harshness of headlands. Piazza Unità d’Italia, with the Audace pier (Audace Molo), looks out onto the Adriatic Sea from where the strong Bora wind comes in to sweep across the city’s streets. Many different architectural styles coexist in Trieste: liberty and neoclassical, Romanesque and Baroque, eclectic and Hapsburg.
The same can be said for the number of different places of worship, evidence of the city’s rare history of different religions living together: from the synagogue, to the Orthodox and Serbian Orthodox churches, and evangelical Lutheran and Swiss churches. A few kilometres from the city is the Grotta Gigante, a giant cave more than 280 metres long and thought to be the largest cavern in the world open to tourists.
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